A Spacious Pause

Sometimes the most creative act needed is to make space, even if it’s just so that we can return to our breath.

The following is a brief mediation adapted from the book, Luminous Darkness, by Deborah Eden Tull. I especially appreciate the reminder in this book, that light comes from darkness. In a culture with so much emphasis on shining bright in the world, we are prone to experiencing burnout, and resistance towards anything “negative” that might arise in our path. When we notice this coming to pass, we might help ourselves navigate it by noticing the qualities that go with whatever it is we are resisting. Are we feeling fiery or “bogged down” or perhaps smothered by the expectations in our life, meditating briefly on the element of space (and darkness, in this case) will help us to remember that everything is mostly empty space, and all is not as it appears. 

  1. Close your eyes and find your breath.

  2. Stay focused and use your imagination to picture darkness and empty space blossoming around you until you are experiencing your breath and the vast qualities of empty space. 

  3. Remember that you are mostly empty space, that all things are mostly empty space, and that empty space is the realm of limitless possibility. 

  4. Breathe in these qualities, connect with the empty spaces in your body, your airways, your cells. Bathe in it with the tidal rhythm of your breath. 

  5. As you are feeling ready, slowly open your eyes and remember this quality as you relate to the world in the illusion of its limited form. 

While this brief meditation specifically focuses on increasing the space element, remember that taking a moment to pause anytime is the most natural way to do so. Are you comfortable with long pauses, and taking a moment to assess and recalibrate throughout the day? When you do, what do you notice?


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