What is Chispa Park?
Chispa Park is not a where or a what. Chispa Park is a who!
And that “who” includes you—a unique expression of nature. It also includes your family, and everyone you know, the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe. It even includes your habits and your habitat.
Chispa Park is a continuous wellness education concept, providing the puzzle pieces that support basic wellness in day-to-day life.
How do we define basic wellness?
Wellness is often defined as the absence of disease. However, 80% of chronic diseases are lifestyle diseases. This means what we do each day, before a disease is diagnosed, is either adding to or diminishing our vital essence. Basic wellness is cultivated as the result of healthy habits which are aware of the check-and-balance system inherent in natural cycles.
Current research supports what ancient wisdom traditions already understood as the pillars of our health: sleep, diet, and self-discipline. The ancient longevity tradition of Ayurveda is based on these pillars and has a comprehensive definition of wellness. The sanskrit word for health in Ayurveda is swastha, which might be more accurately defined as self-abiding or self-established. The ancient sage, Sushruti Samhita says that the following are indicators of a person who is self-established:
Possesses an established sense of self.
Is balanced in the constitution.
Has properly formed tissues.
Efficient elimination of waste products (sweat, urination, bowel movements)
All body processes and sense organs are functioning well.
A peaceful mind, soul and general disposition.