The Five Elements at Play
The Ayurvedic element system references five elements. This is an exercise to deepen your curiosity and experience of the five elements. If you use a different elemental system, simply adapt this exercise to address the elements you reference. You may also wish to read my previous blog post, Exploring the Five Elements.
In Ayurveda, the elements are understood from the lightest (and most subtle) to the densest: space, air, fire, water, and earth. We perceive the five elements through our five senses. Some people are more sensitive, and experience the elements on a very subtle level in one or more of the senses. Take a moment to connect with each of the elements through any of your five senses: hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. Which of your senses are strongest? Dullest? Which of your senses might feel overwhelmed, or underengaged? Which element is most noticeable? Which is the least noticeable for you in this moment?
All organic matter is composed of varying amounts of these elements in order to exist. Begin to consider this idea. Examine your skin or a leaf and become curious about what elements are most dominant? Can you readily observe how the dance of these five elements animates the life that surrounds you? If this doesn’t make sense to you now, can you form a question about it (such as, “How can there be fire in this leaf?”)
After taking a moment to entertain a few of these questions, notice how you feel inside. Do you feel more grounded, more aware of your body? Do you notice how your senses are in a direct relationship to your surroundings? Is there anything else that you notice?
The elements are in constant flux, so to observe them is a never-ending surprise. It can be as simple as acknowledging the gift of a cooling breeze on a hot day, or how a warm beverage relaxes a shiver on a brisk morning. Just the awareness itself can give rise to a moment of gratitude. You might notice that your awareness and sensitivity of the five elements becomes stronger the more you slow down and settle into stillness. Just so, it’s a rewarding habit to cultivate and share with others.