Blowing Bubbles: space + air
Blowing bubbles is a great way to demonstrate the interplay of space and air elements. It demonstrates that air is an element that we cannot see. It is also a simple way of creating and collapsing space. When a bubble bursts, the space collapses and the air is no longer contained.
Blowing bubbles is also a wonderful way to develop awareness of our ability to observe and change our breath. When we blow bubbles, we can connect with the quality of our breath, and learning to slow the breath down so that we do not blast through the thin soapy film. If a child is not yet able to blow a bubble, you can have them to blow one that is already formed. It’s a gentle exercise that helps us to connect to light currents of wind that carry the bubbles away.
Breath and air are best friends. This is why in Ayurveda recommends short daily breathing exercises to to revitalize the whole body with the air element. Just like any house or room or closet that has been closed for a long time, when you open the doors, you can tell that the air in that space has not been moving. The air can feel stuffy or stagnant. Pranayama practice is a way to open the windows and doorway and allow the fresh air to come throughout the entire bubble of our body, and circulate where there was no movement at all. It brings vitality to our tissues and uplifts our minds. (A lot like blowing bubbles!)